Medical Coding Institution In Trivandrum


                   The Medical Coding Process

Every one like to get a job easily with in short time. Learning  The Medical Coding Institute in Trivandrum  you can easily attain it.
 Yes here we introduce you  the Medical coding course which help you to gain a job easily.Medical coding is the record of healthcare diagnosis, procedures, medical services, and equipment into universal medical alphanumeric codes. The diagnoses and procedure codes are taken from medical record documentation, such as transcription of physician's notes, laboratory and radiologic results, etc.

The people who done the coding is known as the medical coders who code or list the symptoms , diagnosis , procedure and  will be recorded, along with the procedures the doctor performs and the medicine the doctor prescribes and send them to the insurance company  

There are three  sets of Coding that a medical coder should do. They are:

ICD -International classification of Disease
CPT -Current procedure Terminology
HCPCS -Healthcare commom procedure coding system. 

International classification of disease (ICD) or ICD Codes they are used for describing the cause of disease , illness and death.They are also used to represents the doctors diagnosis and patients condition
Thers codes are set by Who (World health organisation.)

Current procedure Terminology (CPT)  is used to document the majority of medical procedures performed in the physicians office. and it is published and maintained y AMA (American Medical Association). CPT codes are five-digit numeric codes that are divided into three categories First  Category is used in six major fields such as evaluation, Management, Anesthesia, Surgery, radiology, pathology , laboratory and medicine. Second Category is used in  Laboratory and  radiology test results. Third  Category is used in Medicine technology. As a coder you have to focus on first two  Category , though the first will  undoubtedly the most used.

Healthcare Procedure Terminology ( HCPCS ) is also the official code set for outpatient hospital care, chemotherapy drugs, Medicaid, and Medicare, among other services.  HCPCS codes are used in Medicaid and Medicare.IT is one of the most important code a medical coder can use.

 Let's conclude by saying that learning  medical coding will definitely takes you to higher. Its not a carrier ,Its a wide opportunity for the job seekers. You will be placed easily. Come we will step you to higher.
